Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lacking substance (& knitting pics)

Really, truly I've been meaning to take pictures of my knitting projects or FO's - - - but I just haven't. I know..... bad blogger me.

So in the absence of knitting content - I bring you CORN! (yes, I know there are nights that I seem to have lost my mind; bear with me sanity will catch up with me sooner or later.)

When I say that my yard sometimes looks more like a cornfield than a yard I really mean it.

Notice the little tuft of silk on the ear of corn - right by my front porch door?!?

Oh and an update on the gutter corn.... It has an ear!!! (sometimes folks, it's the little things : )

Further proof that I'm not the wacko planting all this corn

- here's the spidey feeder (along with more corn growing underneath it). The box has a hinged lid to hold the squirrel chow that they usually lift up with their heads and dig around in for the good stuff. They love them some unsalted peanuts in the shell!! The shepherds hook is holding the spring-looking thing that holds an ear of corn.

Here's a cute little rodent caught red-handed! (red-pawed??).

I've never caught one sitting in my gutters before so I couldn't resist taking a couple pics. I ended up getting too close for his liking and he ran away up on the roof. Busted!!

Really, truly I plan (and will!) take knitting pics this weekend. I've even updated my list of on the needles and WIP's on the sidebar in an effort of good faith (or just to remind my fuzzy self of the pics I need to take! : )

p.s. I've finished my muff for the muff along I just need to finish seaming!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Is it just me?

I went on a mini-vacation last weekend (can little more than a long weekend to visit family. in-laws even, be considered a vacation??) and had wonderful thoughts of knitting there and back. From my lake side town in MI to Minnesota close to the Iowa line that would be about 9-10 hours in a car.

I could get tons done on my Ruana (that I haven't touched in weeks.....)! I could finish my Kool-Aid scarf (not touched in months.....)! I could start and finish a can cooler for PB for work!

Such great plans!! Such amazing visions of completion!! The oooo's and ahhh's from everyone marveling at my finished objects!! I am knitting Goddess turning WIP's into FO's!!


Friday drive out to MN -
After 8 rows on the Kool-Aid scarf - I was bored.
I started a new knitted bracelet cuff (on 1's!! Had to buy them for this project - eeek)

Sunday drive back to MI -
Started a new bag out of cotton (side note - no real pattern and it got frogged on Tuesday and then cast on for a traveling laundry bag, again no real pattern)
Worked on the bracelet cuff
Started the can cooler for PB

Never touched the biggest project - the Ruana - other than to look at the bag in the trunk and go "Oh yeah...."

FO's - 0
New Projects Started - 3

Is it just me? Or is there a support group for those of us with too many WIP's??

"Hi. My name is Kat. I'm a habitual new project starter, very rarely finishing something before starting something new. I get really excited about something new and find myself very easily bored with something that needs finishing. Then I cannot possibly conceive of finishing anything without at least starting on the new project."

Say it with me in unison - - -

"Hi Kat - welcome! You are among friends - as we are the UFO Collector's Anonymous"

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Reflections on a gated community - - - -

Conversation with a guy at work (who’s known to have a somewhat odd sense of humor)....

S: "You look just like someone who works in our department."
me: "Really? You should introduce us sometime!"
S: "I really don't know her that well."
me: "Well that's too bad."

As soon as I said that I realized that it’s true. It’s really too bad that there are people who don’t know me that well. People I see nearly every day, but truly without much interaction. Then I got to thinking that there are people who should know me so well but then they say something or do something and it makes you wonder if they ever really knew you at all.

There are people we let into our own little world and there are people we keep out. There are times we make mistakes on who we give the gate key too - bad relationships or selfish people - and we wish we could erase them or forget them but they’ve already left their initials carved in every tree, wet cement and park bench in our world.

I’m not saying we should lock the gate and throw away all the keys and keep everyone out for fear of a person wielding a mean pocket knife. Maybe we just need to walk through our world with the next person we want to invite in and help them understand us. Then maybe they will be more sensitive to things that we’re sensitive to. Or at least know why we feel the way we do, even if they don’t quite get it.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Blue sky & clouds

I'm currently at work covering for the receptionist as she takes her lunch break. The view from the front windows is much better than the lack of view from my office. Prison grey is just such and unattractive color!

I started my muff for the Muff along over the weekend. PB and I drove up to Big Rapids to bring some feed for the deer (PB hunts in the fall) and I figured a couple hours traveling would be the perfect time to start. I got the first smaller cuff and a little bit of the body completed before we got back home.

While we were in Big Rapids we stopped at A & W for dinner. This was one of the few remaining old drive ins. You know the kind where you pull up under a canopy to a little menu and speaker box, place your order and someone delivers it out to you on a tray that hooks over your window. I have to say the girl who brought our food didn't have roller skates, a cute little hat or a ponytail. But it was still very cool and nothing could beat the root beer float in the old fashioned thick glass mugs. You know, we had the camera with us but I was too caught up in the moment to take a single picture.

I ended up getting about 4-5" of the body done. It's a really quick going project and I like how it's turning out. Maybe tonight I'll get a chance to take a teaser picture since I don't want to show all of it until it's done.