I don't do resolutions.
They are nice ideas, and I've toyed with the thought of them over the years. But they just don't work for me. So I've decided on tenacity for the new year. A list of things that will be foremost in my mind in the coming year. Things that will important to me to work on - personally, professionally, internally, and relationship-wise.
1 - know that the only person I can truly make happy is me.
2 - continue on working to make me happy.
3 - more knitting.
4 - more blogging.
5 - continue going to the gym daily with Sundays off (gym's closed).
6 - continue to try new classes.
7 - work on eating better & continue to pick better/healthier foods.
8 - find RAK's (Random Acts of Kindness) to commit on unsuspecting people. : )
9 - more knitting blogging & pictures.
10 - plan a great vacation (doesn't have to be extravagant, but it will be fun).
I hope to attend B's graduation in the spring. It would also be nice to go to his open house but if it's at his mom's house (like he wants) I will most likely not be invited /allowed to attend. [His mom called the cops on me once because I was in my car, in her driveway, dropping off the kids.]
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
See you soon!!